in Product

Launching Calypso

Today we announced a new dashboard we’ve been working on for some time at Automattic. We’ve codenamed it Calypso, and it’s written entirely in JavaScript and powered by the API. It’s being used by millions of people as the new, and it’s completely open source.

Calypso has been more than eighteen months in the making, and I’m proud of everyone who has played a part in bringing it to life. We’ve worked together through all the ups and downs that come along with a fundamental change to the way we work.

On a personal level, building Calypso has been an incredible experience as project lead. I’ve learnt a ton. Working out how we communicate effectively, organize cross-team goals, and plan and strategize around this project at Automattic has been (and remains) a wonderful challenge. I still have much more to learn, and I hope to write about a few of the challenges now that we’ve shared the project with you. If you’re interested in the project backstory I’ve written about how Calypso came to be on the developer site.

There are some great posts talking about the launch, I really love Matt’s take on the project and the philosophy behind it all. Here are some others from today: